
  • 1. Introduction

    An overview of how TraqFreq works and the benefits it provides musicians.
  • 2. Getting Started

    Learn how to install your TraqFreq and get started with the app.
  • 3. Tunes

    TraqFreq tracks playing Time, Songs, Sets, Passages, Sessions and Epics. Learn what these are and how they are displayed in the app.
  • 4. Climate

    Learn how to monitor and analyze climate conditions affecting your instrument.
  • 5. Supplies

    TraqFreq can precisely track your supply usage (string, bows etc), based on your actual playing time. Here’s how to retire that spreadsheet.
  • 6. Health

    Analyze your playing habits and gain insights to help avoid or recover from injuries.
  • 7. Goals

    Create various goals based on actual playing time and monitor progress towards your goals.
  • 8. Reports

    View reports and send them to yourself, your parents, teachers and friends; using email or sharing on social media. ...