7. Goals
Now you can create various goals based on actual playing time and monitor progress towards your goals.
Define weekly and total goals for
A. Types of Goal
The following 4 types of goals are available:
1. Weekly Activity
Play a certain amount each week. e.g. Play 4 hours a week. Play 10 songs a week.
Set the duration of the goal e.g. over a 6 month period. If you reach the goal for that week, the goal indicator shows a star indicating that you have reached the goal for that week. At the start of the next week, the goal for the week is started again.
2. Weekly Frequency
Play a certain number of times each week. e.g. Play 30 minutes 3 days a week. Play 3 songs 4 days a week (total 12 songs). Increase from 30 minutes 3 days a week to 45 minutes 4 days a week, over the next 6 months.
For both weekly goal types, the goal target can be fixed throughout the duration of the goal, or you can specify an increasing target, where the target increases slowly throughout the duration. e.g. Increase from 5 songs a week to 8 songs a week over the next 6 months.
3. Total Days
Play a certain number of days by an end date. e.g. Play 200 days this year. Play 30 minutes a day for 100 days over the next 6 months
4. Total Activity
Play a certain amount by an end date. e.g. Play a total of 100 songs over the next 6 months.
B. The Goals Dashboard
The Goals Dashboard shows all the current and past goals.
C. Create and Edit a Goal
Create a goal and set the start and end dates for the goal. You can change any of the goal parameters at any time.