Music Forms

Music Forms tracked in the App

TraqFreq continually identifies, tracks and analyzes playing time and other forms of musical activity as follows

  1. Time is playing time
  2. Passages are shorter than songs
  3. Songs are longer than passages
  4. Sets are collections of songs
  5. Sessions are instances of play separated by recesses
  6. Epics are overly extended songs or ranges of play

TraqFreq considers isolated passages and songs as distinctly separate. Several joined passages or one passage long enough are the general equivalent of one song. And numerous uninterrupted songs or one overly extended song are one epic. Further, a collection of individual songs is a set.


  • TraqFreq does not recognize the actual song title that you are playing, nor compute a score of the music played. Instead, it tracks playing time and playing activities.
  • All musical activities are logged at their end. Thus, if we begin playing a song before midnight and end after midnight, the song will be listed as one that was played - i.e. completed - after midnight on the new day. And by cataloging start times, full lengths and ranges of all musical activity including songs, you will always remain fully informed!
  • Unlike Sessions, Recent time reverts to 00:00 every 24 hours for easy reference to the last session of the day.

Now when the definitions between musical activities naturally coincide, equivalency enters the equation. Here, the mental, physical and musical aptitudes required for uninterrupted play must be taken into account. At least the same cognitive skills and stamina are required to play two songs consecutively as they are one song of equal length. And a medley often comprises several passages but is still one song. Similarly, a repeated passage and a song would be indistinguishable without their specific content.

Thus, in addition to tracking playing time, TraqFreq considers isolated passages and songs as distinctly separate, several joined passages or one passage long enough to be the general equivalent of one song, numerous uninterrupted songs or one overly extended song as one epic, and a range of individual songs within a certain time span as a set. In short: TraqFreq detects both what you play, and what you play equivalently. This is relevant to musicians in several respects:

  • Progress - reflected in the 'quantity' and 'frequency' of playing time
  • Content - as playing 'habits' develop, so does musical material
  • Proficiency - sufficient playing 'durations' lead to mastering the art and live performances
  • Fitness - musical stamina and dexterity are greatly influenced by the 'length' of playing time
  • Health - unrealistic 'periods of play' cause pain and aggravate existing physical conditions